Friday, November 30, 2012

to lose or not to lose?

BREAKING NEWS: This just in--- Jessica Simpson is pregnant AGAIN!  Yes, the woman who gained 70+ lbs during her first pregnancy earlier this year, booked a deal with weight watchers, and then made that awfully awkward commercial is pregnant AGAIN!

Jessica has been in and out of the press for not losing her baby weight. For months we saw her in chunky sweaters until recently when she walked a red carpet event looking like her daisy duke days. Pause. Too much chicken of the sea? The poor thing just wanted some real food again...smh.Who knows how she'll recover from this one. Advice: eat healthier the second time around.

Question - if you are overweight, should you lose weight just to gain weight???

I think, yes! Training your body to eat right is always a smart move. And it will be easier to lose the weight if you've maintained a healthy lifestyle before and during your pregnancy.

Nobody wants to pass unhealthy eating habits to their children. Yet, it's so easy to find yourself devouring a bacon cheeseburger in a burger king drive thru. Lifestyle changes are never easy. But nothing great ever came easy. Take care of you and your little one.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

wine a little...

so i had a lot of wine last night and i got to thinkin......

9 months without a cold glass of pino??? i better enjoy a glass everyday before i enter pregnancy rehab! then i saw this article. apparently, if you do drink, even a little, you'll end up with a forest gump baby. lower IQ risk, whats next people?! i honestly think this is another dumb fear to add to the long list of things you should NOT do while pregnant. how did people ever have babies without scientific research?! ok so this is turning into a rant post but #idgaf.
The child’s IQ was on average almost two points lower per genetic modification they possessed, according to the study.
ok, i don't even know what this means but it doesn't sound like a huge difference! were talkin about two points here. don't get me wrong, i think you need to be the healthiest you've ever been while expecting, but i don't think you need to be in constant worry. stress and anxiety does more damage to your baby!

this totally reminds me of another recent article. moms-to-be-be-ware! if you get the flu, common cold, you are now at risk of having an autistic child!
Expectant mothers with a fever lasting at least a week increased risk threefold, according to the phone interview survey with mothers of nearly 97,000 Danish children born between 1997 and 2003.
its so easy to get sick while pregnant, think about it, your stressed, not getting enough sleep and going through some serious physical and emotional changes. now, if you birth a child with autism, we know exactly who to point fingers at. YOU! you gave your child a horrible horrible disorder that he/she has to live with their entire life. getting sick = a life of guilt?

so what's a mother to do with all this new research? i say, be present and stay positive. don't worry about it. what's meant to be is meant to be. if you focus on all the negative things that could happen, it's going to bring you down and make you more open to attacks. be aware but not obsessive. enjoy these magical nine months.

how do you manage? share your stories, comments and thoughts. namaste.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hop Into My DeLorean! (trifecta)

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads" - Dr. Emmett L. 'Doc' Brown

No roads here! Let's revisit some of my favorite posts, just because... #wackywednesday

Here's an oldie but goodie (welcome post) 

Women > Men.

BOOM, I said it! Why, you ask? The answer is really simple, women can create life! Their biological makeup is sacred. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a whole lotta love for the fellas but the ladies are on another level. After all, every man is birthed from a woman and there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. That glow that everyone talks about while you’re pregnant is REAL! Anytime I ask a mother what’s their greatest accomplishment in life, they always reply, giving birth to my son or daughter. That magical experience cannot be explained in words. The explosion of feelings, hopes, and dreams that goes along with birth is colossal! The divine pregnancy journey is different and unique for every woman. And the second you first lay eyes on your newborn your life changes and that moment will stay with you forever. It is unlike anything in this world!

Along this heavenly pregnancy journey, there will be bumps and struggles. Like anything praiseworthy, sacrifices need to be made for a greater purpose. You will need to eat healthy, exercise, and embrace a positive attitude during pregnancy. Believe it or not, those are the easy ones! As your body changes, you’ll become more aware of certain smells, which can set off some wicked morning sickness. You may develop a pregnant persona, a scarier more sensitive side of yourself, largely influenced by the crazy amounts of estrogen floating around. You might pee yourself from time to time but hey; it’s all a part of the ride. Common pregnancy symptoms include: fatigue, nausea, swollen breasts, headaches, and mood swings. You can see from this list why it’s easy to gain a negative outlook. A negative viewpoint will only create more negativity. Staying optimistic and releasing positive thoughts into the universe during your pregnancy is vital to the success of your pregnancy and baby. I’m not going to lie to you; it’s going to be an emotional roller-coaster with countless ups and downs. But it’s the one roller-coaster that you’ll want to get right back on after it’s all over. Relish every minute of this blissful time in your life because I guarantee you will miss it. Kids grow in a blink of an eye and you’ll be wishing you had that bun back in the oven, where it was safe and full with love.

In this blog, I hope to discover and encourage a positive pregnancy outlook. I believe having a positive approach to all the transformations and struggles that come along with pregnancy will facilitate a happy healthier you. A positive mental state allows one to conquer and embrace life to its fullest capacity. I look forward to exploring and addressing the endless issues and questions that erupt from the maternity voyage. Specifically, I’m interested in the mental and physical changes that occur while pregnant. The good, the bad, and the ugly! So if you’re thinking this could be cool or inspiring, stay tuned :) 

Remember when I profiled Amy Morrison from  #refresher

OMG! Stop the presses! Someone on the internet is funnier than me. Her name is Amy Morrison and she's the brains behind the refreshingly real Amy is a mother of two little boys who keeps it real while writing about pregnancy. Her kids must keep real busy cause she only posts once a month. Fun fact: on technorati, her blog is ranked 78437. She frequently speaks in an informal voice so I wouldn't consider it scholarly but the insight she offers is still valuable. She says in her Welcome post, "Now that my two sons are here and I'm no longer pregnant I look back on that time with anger, “which, though sad for her, provides her readers with clever infotainment.

Amy writes in a recent content-rich post, how some films are just off limits during pregnancy. Her opening remarks are loaded with informal personality.

Some movies are pretty obvious that they are going to upset me – I don't think many people went in thinking Schindler's List was a comedy – but it's the ones that blindside you that really piss me off. Here I'm thinking I'm going to see a cool flick and a baby ends up drowning in a bathtub. Why the hell is that even necessary?! 
Turns out, PreggoStyle and pregnantchicken are both movie buffs, but with different takes. One of my recent posts, recommends movies that pregnant woman should watch. Amy takes a darker route and discuses films you shouldn't watch while pregnant. Worthy nominees include: Rosemary's Baby, KIDS, and The Omen. Check out this post for the full list.

Legit, laughed out loud at this random post not related at all to pregnancy! Amy's writing style is so brilliant; you can really imagine the story unfolding in front of your eyes. Her relatable anecdotes thought process, and specific details are what make her readers keep reading.

So I go up to an employee setting up and say, "Excuse me, I'm supposed to do a meet and greet thing with Penguin Canada. I was told to check in." It is in these situations where I truly string together the most incoherent sentences imaginable. Like the time I said, "Can you help me get to be there?" When I was trying to board a ferry. I think it's safe to say I don't do well with transitions.

I like the idea of writing on a topic other than pregnancy once in a while. After reading this post, I feel more inspired to write personal stories on my blog.

After exploring pregnantchicken, I definitely think their target audience is pregnant woman and parents with young children. I could see myself coming back to this blog regularly and so should you. It's a wonderful resource and always good for a laugh!

Reunited and it feels so good...#voice

Monica is a hilarious pregnancy blogger! Don’t believe me? Read her about me post. These are her profound closing remarks.

Oh! And if presented with the choice of nachos or a big slap of cheesecake she will choose the nachos every time. This, she believes, is an integral part of understanding who she is. Nachos.
 She uses fun corky details to describe herself and engage with her readers. Apparently, nachos are her thang! You really get a sense of who she is from this one post. Even the way she describes how she met her husband is full of personality.

She once went to see an unknown band from Philly and three months later she married the guitar player. Seven years and a billion fights later and they are still married. 
Monica tells it how it is. Her simple sentence structure makes her posts easy and fun to read. She is not the girl that is gonna go into a whole 5 page story on how she met her man. She talks to her readers how she would talk to her closest friends. No bullshit. Straight to the point. She is unlike many baby/parenting/pregnancy blogs because she doesn't sugarcoat.

In her most recent post, on the topic of Halloween, you not only get a sense of her persona but of her family.

After the kids did their thing we put them all to bed and hung out in our bar eating Serge's Eggplant Parmesan and shooting the shit. Of course it's my kid that sneaks back downstairs to hang out at the bar with us and monopolize the conversation. 
I haven't heard someone say "shooting the shit" in a minute! And I love her even more now for it. It's those expressions that make me want to be Monica's BFF! 

The best of this post is that she caught it on camera. Watch it! You will learn more about Monica by watching her adorable daughter tell a Halloween story to the adults. By this post alone, you get sense of what kind of a mother she truly is. She knows her kids better than anyone and expects them to sneak out of bed and share their larger-than-life personalities. 

Sharing her personal stories really shapes her voice. I think she is a great storyteller. Her posts are like mini diary entries into her world. And she doesn't overwhelm her readers with details. She has a unique way of being sarcastic and cute at the same time. Her sassy voice makes her blog, The Girl Who, smart, funny and worth the read! 



Monday, November 5, 2012

Buns in the Oven!

 ~Pregnant Celebs this week ~

Congrats to Jessica Biel's BFF, Beverly Mitchell, who is expecting her first child! Back in the day, about 7 years ago, when 7th Heaven was a show on the WB, the star gave birth to her on-screen daughter. I wonder if she'll squeeze out a baby girl in real life...

Congrats to sloth-loving Kristen Bell! She is expecting her first child with fiance, Dax Shepard. The two have been dating since 07. Think they'll tie the knot before they welcome their bundle of joy?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Sandy, my darlin, you hurt me real bad"

Hurricane Sandy did some MAJOR damage to my hometown in Jersey. Here is a fun article for all my homies strugglin in da hood #JERSEYSTRONG

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meet Monica Bielanko!

Monica is a hilarious pregnancy blogger! Don’t believe me? Read her about me post. These are her profound closing remarks.
Oh! And if presented with the choice of nachos or a big slap of cheesecake she will choose the nachos every time. This, she believes, is an integral part of understanding who she is. Nachos.
She uses fun corky details to describe herself and engage with her readers. Apparently, nachos are her thang. You really get a sense of who she is from this one post. Even the way she describes how she met her husband is full of personality.
She once went to see an unknown band from Philly and three months later she married the guitar player. Seven years and a billion fights later and they are still married. 
Monica tells it how it is. Her simple sentence structure makes her posts easy and fun to read. She is not the girl that is gonna go into a whole 5 page story on how she met her man. She talks to her readers how she would talk to her closest friends. No bullshit. Straight to the point. She is unlike many baby/parenting/pregnancy blogs because she doesn't sugarcoat.

In her most recent post, on the topic of Halloween, you not only get a sense of her character but of her family.
After the kids did their thing we put them all to bed and hung out in our bar eating Serge's Eggplant Parmesan and shooting the shit. Of course it's my kid that sneaks back downstairs to hang out at the bar with us and monopolize the conversation. 
I haven't heard someone say "shooting the shit" in a minute! And I love her even more now for it. It's those expressions that make me want to be Monica's BFF!
The best of this post is that she caught it on camera. Watch it! You will learn more about Monica by watching her adorable daughter tell a Halloween story to the adults. By this post alone, you get sense of what kind of a mother she truly is. She knows her kids better than anyone and expects them to sneak out of bed and share their larger-than-life personalities.
Sharing her personal stories really shapes her voice. I think she is a great storyteller. Her posts are like mini dairy entries into her world. And she doesn't overwhelm her readers with details. She has a unique way of being sarcastic and cute at the same time. Her sassy voice makes her blog, The Girl Who, smart, funny and worth the read! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


OMG! Stop the presses! Someone on the internet is funnier than me. Her name is Amy Morrison and she's the brains behind the refreshingly real Amy is a mother of two little boys who keeps it real while writing about pregnancy. Her kids must keep real busy cause she only posts once a month. Fun fact: on technorati, her blog is ranked 78437. She frequently speaks in an informal voice so I wouldn't consider it scholarly but the insight she offers is still valuable. She says in her Welcome post, "Now that my two sons are here and I'm no longer pregnant I look back on that time with anger,"which, though sad for her, provides her readers with clever infotainment.

Amy writes in a recent content-rich post, how some films are just off limits during pregnancy. Her opening remarks are loaded with informal personality.
Some movies are pretty obvious that they are going to upset me – I don't think many people went in thinking Schindler's List was a comedy – but it's the ones that blindside you that really piss me off. Here I'm thinking I'm going to see a cool flick and a baby ends up drowning in a bathtub. Why the hell is that even necessary?! 
Turns out, PreggoStyle and pregnantchicken are both movie buffs, but with different takes. One of my recent posts, recommends movies that pregnant woman should watch. Amy takes a darker route and discuses films you shouldn't watch while pregnant. Worthy nominees include: Rosemary's Baby, KIDS, and The Omen. Check out this post for the full list.

Legit, laughed out loud at this random post not related at all to pregnancy! Amy's writing style is so brillant, you can really imagine the story unfolding in front of your eyes. Her relatable anecdotes  thought process, and specific details are what make her readers keep reading.
So I go up to an employee setting up and say, "Excuse me, I'm supposed to do a meet and greet thing with Penguin Canada. I was told to check in." It is in these situations where I truly string together the most incoherent sentences imaginable. Like the time I said, "Can you help me get to be there?" When I was trying to board a ferry. I think it's safe to say I don't do well with transitions.
I like the idea of writing on a topic other than pregnancy once in a while. After reading this post, I feel more inspired to write personal stories on my blog.

After exploring pregnantchicken, I definitely think their target audience is pregnant woman and parents with young children. I could see myself coming back to this blog regularly and so should you. It's a wonderful resource and always good for a laugh!

Friday, October 12, 2012

I Found My Social Bookmarking Soulmate!

I found my soul-mate on Pinterest! Her name is Sami Sue! I am legit obsessed with the way she organizes her boards and the photos she pins are so inspiring! #somuchincommon 
Here are my favorite pins by Sami Sue :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pregnant Women are Smug?

"Everyone knows it, nobody says it, because they're pregnant" 

I came across this HBO digital short on my twitter feed this morning. Legit almost spilled coffee all over myself because I was cracking up! I died at "you think you're glowing, but you have been hoeing and now you're pregnant." Do pregnant women feel like they are above everyone else just because they're pregnant? 

It's true, they do say a lot of the cliches but I think they are an easy target. I wonder if the people who made this video have ever experienced pregnancy? Pregnancy is a very scary thing and sometimes you don't know what to say when people ask the same old boring questions like, "what are you having? do you want a boy or a girl?" Mothers are just excited to be having a baby! It's a blessing unlike any other.  I think they just want to be neutral and positive because a lot of changes are happening and more than likely they are stressed the fu*k out! I think they deserve a break. They are creating life for christ's sake!    Nevertheless, this video is hysterical, watch it and feel free to share your thoughts and reactions :) 

Friday, September 28, 2012

New Spin On Maternity Fashion

Obsessed with astrology? Check out what the stars say about your maternity wardrobe :) 

Top 5 Baby Movies!

#5 - For Keeps (1988)

I have been obsessed with this movie forever! I should clarify, I've been obsessed with MOLLY RINGWALD forever!!! But seriously, For Keeps is dear to my heart and I'll tell you why. It tells the story of two teenagers who end up knocked up after a fun and frisky night out. They announce their pregnancy during Thanksgiving dinner. Check out this hilarious moment at 1.40 in the youtube clip - "I'm pregnant, can you pass the turnips?" I connect with this film because it depicts a very honest and realistic reaction to teen pregnancy by the two families.They make sacrifices to keep their baby.  On a more personal level, I was born in 1988 from two high-school sweethearts. My parents ended in divorce but Darcy and Stan fight to the end.

#4 - Father of the Bride II (1995)

I adore this film! In this Father of the Bride sequel, both daughter and mother become pregnant at the same time! Double baby craziness! Steve Martin does a fabulous job as George, a father going through a mid-life crisis. George has a hard time accepting that his little girl is all grown up and having a baby. Just when he starts to come around, he finds out his wife, Nina, is also with child. If your not familiar with the film, check out the trailer below!

#3 - Look Who's Talking (1989) 

Who doesn't love Look Who's Talking? People loved it so much they made like 3 sequels! Kristie Alley and John Travolta had amazing chemistry in this film. Kristie plays Mollie, an accountant who sleeps with one of coworkers and winds up knocked up. She discovers the father of her unborn baby cheating and goes into labor. That's where she meets Travolta, cab driver, who gets mistaken as the father of the baby in the hospital. He falls in love with Mollie and Mikey (the baby) and they live happily ever after. Here is a fun baby montage clip from the movie :) 

#2 - Baby Mama (2008) 

Two words: Fey and Poehler! This dynamic duo 
does it again, but this time on the big screen! Tina Fey plays  Kate, a successful business woman who wants nothing more than a child. Unfortunately, she can't get pregnant so she spends thousands of dollars for a surrogate, Amy Poehler. Conflict arises when the surrogate mother reveals she isn't carrying Kate's baby! That's some baby mama drama lol! Here's a funny clip from Baby Mama:

#1 - Knocked Up (2007) 

I fu*king LOVE this movie! Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl are hilarious in this romantic comedy! This is Judd Apatow at it's finest. Katherine plays Alison, a career woman at E! who gets a promotion to be on-air. She hits the club to celebrate with her sister, played by Apatow's real life wife, Leslie Mann. At the club she meets Seth Rogen, Ben, a stoner who is just looking to get laid. And he does! The two opposites struggle to get on the same page. But eventually, realize their love for one another. If you haven't seen this flick, you NEED to! Trust me, its hysterical! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Plan B now Plan A?

This morning on my way into the office, I noticed CNN was doing a story on Plan B, commonly known as the morning-after pill. NYC high schools now offer Plan B to their students, as part of a new pilot program to lower teen pregnancy stats. This struck my interest because I am a product of a teen pregnancy. The New York Times reported that, “Only 1 percent to 2 percent of parents returned a form to opt out of the program. The form allowed them to select any or all of four types of reproductive services that they did not want their child to receive, including emergency contraception, birth control pills, pregnancy testing or condoms.” It seems, at least in New York City, parents are becoming more open-minded when it comes to sex education and contraceptive use. This makes me proud of my fellow New Yorkers but the media is just spinning this story out of control and making Plan B seem outrageous. Maybe they need a reminder: teenagers want and will have sex. It’s just part of being an adolescent. We are human and have a very curious nature. If this program is working to reduce teen pregnancy, I really don’t see the problem.

Do you think Plan B should be offered to high school students?

Friday, September 14, 2012


Greetings & Salutations Preggers!  

Guess what the fu*k is up? Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbucks! And you know what that means??? The seasons are changing and it's time to welcome all things Fall!

We know caffeine isn’t recommended for pregnant woman but lucky for you, you can savor a tall decaf nonfat no whip pumpkin spice latte and still feel the warmth and wonder of Fall!

Fall means comfy fashion, so layer on those garments and bump up your style with a chic pair of boots or a trendy scarf. This season you can get away with wearing a chunky sweater because it’s all the rage! Maternity wardrobes work fabulously in the Fall. 

The holidays are approaching which can be a little stressful, especially with a baby on the way. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the parentals or in-laws, feel free to express what’s on your mind. Bottling up your emotions will only lead to an emotional breakdown elsewhere. Remember to stay positive and remove yourself from any negative situations.

It may be harder to get your boo’s attention now that football season is back. Not to worry, this can actually be a positive thing! While he’s watching the game or tailgating with the guys, treat yourself to some much needed YOU time! Spoil yourself with mani-pedis or a full body massage. Call up your girlfriends and plan a lunch date or catch that chick-flick your hubby refuses to see. Take advantage of these opportunities! 

Cray cravings lately? Your body is starting to sense the changes in the air and will adjust your taste buds instinctively.  Treat yourself to some hot stuff like soup or chili. Better yet, chow down on some seasonal foods like apples, pumpkin, sweet potato, or corn. Don’t fight your cravings; embrace them!

If your due date is in Fall, check out these autumn inspired baby names: Amber, Apple, Maple, November (my fav), Frost, Hunter, Hazel and Oak.